Integration costs Odoo

When considering implementing Odoo in your organization, it is important to have a clear idea of the costs involved. These costs include not only one-time implementation costs, but also ongoing monthly expenses for licensing, hosting, support and possible maintenance.

On this page, we outline these costs, explain Odoo costs, and have added some handy price calculators to get a concrete idea of what an Odoo implementation might cost.

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Monthly cost

Your monthly cost in Odoo consists of licenses at €29.90 per month per user. There are also hosting fees, depending on your choice between cloud hosting or self-hosting. You also pay for professional support based on the level of service chosen. Possibly, additional monthly costs may arise for maintenance, such as module updates and bug fixes. The total of these costs varies based on your specific needs and choices. It is critical to accurately plan and budget these costs to ensure a successful Odoo implementation.

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One-time costs

With Odoo, there are one-time costs to consider when implementing. This typically includes the initial set-up costs for the desired modules, costs for modifications and customization of the software to adapt it to your specific business processes / needs, and the cost of training your team to work effectively with Odoo. This initial investment is necessary to ensure a smooth implementation and to adapt the software to your business processes. 

Actual costs

Of course, the cost of an Odoo integration depends on the size and complexity of the project. Odoo is an open source system, which means that the software itself is free to install and use. The cost of an Odoo integration is therefore in a professional integration or support services and will vary depending on the business processes and size of your company.

We always think with you to justify the investment and take into account the current IT Landscape. Depending on the size and difficulty of the project and the stages in which we automate processes, we can provide a concrete quote.

For more information on costs and implementation contact our specialists.