Wie sich Odoo's CRM von Salesforce unterscheidet

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Robin Conjour am 26 Juli 2024

Wie sich Odoo's CRM von Salesforce unterscheidet

Odoo CRM und Salesforce sind beides beliebte CRM-Plattformen, die sich jedoch in einigen wichtigen Aspekten deutlich unterscheiden. Dieser Artikel geht auf diese Unterschiede ein, damit Sie eine fundierte Entscheidung für Ihr Unternehmen treffen können.


Das CRM von Odoo ist für seine Benutzerfreundlichkeit bekannt. Die Plattform ist intuitiv und leicht zu navigieren, auch für Anfänger. Sie bietet eine einfache, optimierte Schnittstelle, die die Verwaltung und Verfolgung von Kundendaten erleichtert.

Auf der anderen Seite ist die Lernkurve bei Salesforce steiler. Die Plattform ist zwar leistungsstark und vielseitig, aber für neue Benutzer kann sie komplex und überwältigend sein. Es kann einige Zeit dauern, bis man sich mit all ihren Funktionen und Möglichkeiten vertraut gemacht hat.

Ausbildung und Unterstützung

Odoo offers comprehensive training and support to help users get the most out of their CRM. This includes online tutorials, webinars, and an active user community that can provide advice and assistance.

Salesforce also provides a wide range of support options, including an extensive knowledge base, live chat support, and phone support. However, some users have noted that the quality of support can vary.


Odoo's CRM is generally less expensive than Salesforce. Odoo offers a free version of their CRM, as well as paid versions with more features and capabilities. Pricing is transparent and straightforward, with no hidden costs or surprises.

Salesforce, on the other hand, can be quite expensive, especially for small businesses. Pricing is also more complex, with various tiers and add-ons that can increase costs.

Value for Money

Although Odoo is cheaper, it still offers a powerful CRM platform with a wide range of features. This makes it an excellent value for money, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses.

Salesforce is more expensive, but it also provides a very robust and versatile platform. For larger companies willing to invest in a high-end CRM, Salesforce may be worth the investment.


Odoo's CRM integrates seamlessly with other Odoo apps, making it easy to create a fully integrated business system. It can also be integrated with a variety of external apps and services.

Salesforce also offers powerful integration capabilities, but these can be more complex to set up and manage. The platform integrates with a large number of external apps and services, but this can incur additional costs.

Flexibility and Customization

Odoo's CRM is highly flexible and customizable, making it easy to tailor the platform to your specific business needs.

Salesforce is also highly customizable, but achieving this can be more complex. It often requires the help of a developer or consultant, which can incur additional costs.


Odoo's CRM and Salesforce are both powerful CRM platforms, but they offer different advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two will ultimately depend on your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise.

Overall, Odoo's CRM is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses looking for an affordable, user-friendly, and flexible CRM platform. Salesforce is a good choice for larger companies willing to invest in a robust and versatile CRM platform and who have the resources to manage its complexity.

in Odoo